Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbines


code Titel ST Date EN Date Venue Fees Register
MEC7 Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbines 2024-07-17 2024-07-21 cairo contact us
MEC7 Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbines 2024-09-18 2024-09-22 IStanbul contact us
MEC7 Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbines 2024-11-21 2024-11-25 Sharm El-Shaikh contact us
MEC7 Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbines 2024-12-18 2024-12-22 ِAlexandria contact us

Who Can Benefit?

·         All grades of operation, maintenance, inspection and research engineers.

·          Technicians involved in the daily running and support of gas turbines

Course Objectives:

·         Provisioning of solid hands-on-work experience to the concerned staff who handle operation, care and maintenance of gas turbines.

Course Outline:

·          Turbine Operating Principles.

·         Working Principles and Characteristics.

·         Applications.

·         Operating Limitations.

·         Ideal Thermodynamic Cycles.

·         The Control Cycle.

·         Auto Cycle.

·         Diesel Cycle.

·         Mixed Cycle.

·         Constant Pressure Cycle.

·          Practical Gas Turbine Cycle.

·          Turbine Shaft Configuration.

·         Single-Shaft Engine.

·         Tow-Shaft Engine.

·         Components.

·           Operating Factors Affecting Maintenance.

·         Fuel.

·         Effects of Environment.

·         Gas Turbine Intlet Air Filtration.

·         Foreign Object Damage ( FOD ).

·         Erosion.

·         Fouling.

·         Corrosion.

·          Maintenance Practices & Costs.

·         Maintenance Schemes for Gas Turbines.

·         Cost Aspects.

·         Inspection.

·         Standly Inspections.

·         Running Inspections.

·         Pre-Start up Checks.

·         Abnormalities during Operation.

·          Lube Oil System.

·         Lube Oil Functions.

·         Pressure Regulation.

·         Liquid Fuel Control System.

·         Fuel Control Sequence.

·         Fuel Gas Control System.

·         Co2 Fire Protection System.

·         Over speed Protection.

·         Governing Systems.

·        Overall Control Systems.