Reservoir Damage and Remedy


code Titel ST Date EN Date Venue Fees Register
Oil13 Reservoir Damage and Remedy 2024-06-06 2024-06-10 cairo contact us
Oil13 Reservoir Damage and Remedy 2024-08-07 2024-08-11 ِAlexandria contact us
Oil13 Reservoir Damage and Remedy 2024-10-02 2024-10-06 IStanbul contact us
Oil13 Reservoir Damage and Remedy 2024-12-04 2024-12-08 Sharm El-Shaikh contact us

Course Objectives:

This course covers all aspects of formation damage. It also realizes this damage and put the remedy to it.

Course Outline:

  • Risks and causes  of formation Damage
  • Invasion of drilling mud solids into the formation
  • Drilling Mud filtrate invasion into the formation 
  • Cement loses into fractures
  • Plugged inadequate perforation
  • Creation of emulsion in the formation
  •  Injection of acids / solvents that contain solids
  • Sand fill in the well bore
  •  Excessive draw downs
  • Risks and Causes  of Drilling Damage
  • The case of vulgar or fractured carbonates
  • The case of sandstone reservoir
  • The case of open – hole uncemented liner completions
  • The case of gravel – packed completion
  • Procedures of minimizing drilling damage
  • Perforation Damage
  •  Solids plugging
  •  Inadequate Clean up
  • Overbalanced perforating
  • Risks and causes of Fluid Damage
  • Sluges or emulsions ( especially  From acid )
  • Insoluble residues
  •  API procedure for testing surface active agents
  • Live and spent acid tests
  • Risks and courses of sand fills
  •   Necessary checks for sand fill ( e.g. wire line runs,  pump changes, workovers )
  • Precautionary steps to be considered
  • Planning for Blowout control operation
  • Task force
  • Materials
  • Communication
  •  Listing available products including ( cement, products, pumping facility, proximity tools, directional equipment, estimated quantities for various blowouts )
  • Recommended practices for immediate well kills
  • Geological / Depositional Environments Review
  • How do Homogeneous or hetrogeneous are these reservoir formations and what is the influence of formation damage
  • Reservoir properties review and what properties most influence the effect of formation damaged
  • Damage Mechanisms ( how S.S and carbonate damaged )
  • How do formation mineralogy and clay chemistry influence damage? what about scale paraffin , asphaltenes ?
  • Damage perversion
  • Drilling , Completion and production methods
  • Drilling / Completion and production methods
  • Drilling completion fluid additive selection and clay control
  • Evolution of damage
  • Damage Removal
  • Acid zing materials and methods , non- acid approach such as (wellbore waskes perforating techniques and hydraulic fracturing)
  • Reservoir Damage
  •  Production Performance, pressure analysis review
  •   Damage removal
  •  Acid zing materials and methods, non- acid approach such as wellbore waskes perforating techniques and hydraulic fracturing to bypass damage

Who Can Benefit?

This course is designed for production completion, reservoir and drilling engineers, geologists conserved with well performance and production enhancement, field supervisors, production foremen engineering lectricians, production and exploration managers